BP INDUSTRIAL PARK we manage our residence in order to satisfy the constantly rapid growth rate of Thai industry that expands in the property. In addition to ready for sale commercial buildings (4.5 meters wide) that are aesthetically designed in accordance with leisure atmosphere surrounding the property.
BP Industrial Park has strong potential to meet demand hidden in the property, including the expansion of overall industry in Chachoengsao.
BP INDUSTRIAL PARK From the outside view, there is an area limited to 36 units in front of the property. Also, the room 9 meters wide at the front corner has no center pillar so that this can increase useful space to the maximum.
In order to fulfill the market’s huge demand, the land is functionally distributed for different purposes: establishing factory, warehouse, office or residence.
This would cause a dramatic drop in the overflowing cause of growth. Creating an overwhelming excitement in the surrounding area is our strategy to support commercial buildings which will turn into an excellent property for your entrepreneurship.